Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are presented to You by Traffic Cardinal and define the procedure of registration and use of services for Users visiting our website: trafficcardinal.com (hereinafter “the Website”).

By visiting our Website, registering, subscribing to our services or otherwise interacting with us, you consent to the Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “the Terms”). If upon introduction you do not agree with the Terms, you may choose not to use our Website and services.

Дальнейшее использование вами trafficcardinal.com после внесения подобных изменений означает ваше согласие с ними.

  1. Glossary
    1. The Website – a collection of graphic and informational materials, as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet at a network address: trafficcardinal.com.
    2. User – any visitor to the website trafficcardinal.com.
    3. Registration on the Website – a procedure of applying by Users to register on the Website in order to obtain the services from Traffic Cardinal as described in these Terms.
    4. Traffic Cardinal – is a community which via the Website shares information, insight and exchange ideas on certain topics and provides information services as described in the Terms.
    5. The Services –information services on certain topics with access to certain features of the Website and its content.
    6. Property of Traffic Cardinal – content created for and published on the Website which is an intellectual property of Traffic Cardinal and is protected by the applicable legislation.
    7. Content – text, graphics, photographs, artwork and computer code, user interface, trademarks, logos, design, structure, “look and feel” and arrangement of such Content.
  2. Traffic Cardinal rights and obligations
    1. The Administration makes every possible effort to exclude from the Site negligent, inaccurate, offensive, untrue or knowingly incomplete information, however, ultimately, the responsibility for it lies with the persons who posted it.
    2. The Administration is not responsible for the fact that registered users are really the people for whom they issue themselves, and is not responsible for any damage caused to other persons.
    3. The user is notified and agrees that he is not entitled to file a claim against the Administrator in the event that he does not specify his personal data when registering, or indicate personal data that does not correspond to the data specified in the civil passport.
    4. Under no circumstances shall the Administrator be liable to the User or any third parties for any direct, indirect, unintentional damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation caused by the use of the Site or the results of intellectual activity placed Online.
  3. User rights and obligations
    1. The User has a right of access to the information services Traffic Cardinal provides on the Website.
    2. Some content and services may have limited access and may require registration at the Website. The User has a right to register on the Website under condition of adhering to these Terms. Any natural person with full active legal capacity or any legal person may register on the Website.
    3. Traffic Cardinal reserves the right to accept, decline or terminate registration without any additional explanation. Traffic Cardinal reserves the right to change at any time scope of content and services accessible via registration and available to you.
    4. Registering with the Website may require providing certain personal information in order to perform the services. The User has right to control own personal data. For more information please refer to the Privacy Policy.
    5. If your account has been previously suspended or blocked, or during the time your account has been temporarily blocked, for any of the above reasons, you may not create another account without express permission from Traffic Cardinal.
  4. Property of Traffic Cardinal
    1. The Website is the property of Traffic Cardinal and it is accessible worldwide.
    2. All content contained on the Website is owned, controlled or licensed by Traffic Cardinal, and is protected by author’s, copyright, trademark laws and other applicable intellectual property rights.
    3. None of the content may be copied, reproduced, published and/or posted, translated and/or transmitted in any way to any other digital device, website and/or server or any other medium of publication without Traffic Cardinal express prior written consent.
    4. When applicable, you may use information from the Website purposely made available by Traffic Cardinal for downloading from the Website, provided that you not remove any proprietary marks in said information and/or items, and will only use such information and/or items for your personal, non-commercial informational purpose and will not copy information and/or items as indicated in the Terms.
    5. Needless to say, any unauthorized use and/or copying of any portion of the Website or any of its content, or obtaining and/or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Website will be unlawful and illegal and Traffic Cardinal reserves the right to bar any such activity. Such activities also include hacking, probing, scanning or testing vulnerability of the Website or any network connected to the Website, breaching the security or authentication measures on the Website or any network connected to the Website.
  5. Integrity statement
    1. Hereby You as a User of the Website and its content state that you have read and understood the Terms.
    2. You are aware that certain activities may be unethical, illegal and harmful. You state that when using the Website and its content you will not:
      1. Use the Website and its content for any illegal, fraudulent or abusive purpose, or so as to damage or cause risk to our business, reputation, employees, subscribers, facilities, or to any other person or entity.
      2. Lease, loan, sell, resell, sublicense, distribute or otherwise transfer the content and/or services provided by Traffic Cardinal as defined in the Terms.
      3. Delete or tamper with any of the following: the copyright or other proprietary marks on the content and/or services provided on the Website.
      4. Use the content and/or services for any personal gain in violation of these Terms.
      5. Remove, circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Website, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of the content and/or services, or features that enforce limitations on the use of the content and/or services.
      6. Rearrange, modify, adapt, translate or create any other derivative works based on the content and/or services.
      7. Reveal and/or exploit any information on any other user or exploit the Website in any way where the purpose is to reveal any personal information which will be violation of personal data protection laws.
      8. Intentionally interfere with or damage operation of the Website by any means, including introducing viruses, adware, spyware, worms or any other malicious code.
  6. Confidentiality and personal data
    1. Traffic Cardinal takes every measure to protect user personal data which may be collected and processed as per the Privacy Policy when registering with the Website.
    2. Traffic Cardinal obliges by all means available including appropriate technological and operational security measures to protect user personal data against any unauthorized access to or unlawful use.
    3. Transmission of information over the internet and website usage can be insecure, and although Traffic Cardinal employs measures to protect user information from unauthorized access, user acknowledges that we cannot always guarantee the security of information sent over the internet.
    4. User is entirely responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the information held for user account, including password, and for any and all activity that occurs under user account as a result of user failing to keep this information secure and confidential. In case of breach of account user must inform Traffic Cardinal immediately.
  7. Warranties and disclaimers
    1. No Content can be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, framed, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or otherwise used in whole or in part, without prior permission of the right holder, unless the right holder has explicitly expressed his consent to the free use of material by any person, except as provided in this Agreement;
    2. The use of Content, to which the User has been granted access solely for personal non-commercial use, is allowed provided all the copyright (copyright) or other notifications of authorship are preserved, the author's name remains unchanged, and the work remains unchanged.
    3. All materials, the rights to which belong to the Administration of the Site trafficcardinal.com, can be reproduced in any media, on Internet servers or on any other media without any restrictions on the volume and terms of publication. This permission applies equally to newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television channels, websites and Internet pages. The only condition for reprinting and retransmitting is a direct link to the source trafficcardinal.com. No prior consent for reprinting from the publishers or authors of the Site is required.
  8. Final provisions
    1. These Terms become effective upon visit and use of the Website and/or when registering at the Website and is valid for an indefinite period.
    2. The User may termite these Terms by cancelling registration and not using the Website. The registration may be cancelled upon written e-mail sent to the Website administration.
    3. This document will reflect any changes to the Terms and Conditions. The Terms are valid indefinitely until replaced by a new version.
    4. The current version of the Terms is freely available on the Internet at the according Website address.
    5. We may make changes to the Terms. If we make changes, we may notify you through the services or by sending you an email or other communications. We encourage you to read the Terms periodically to stay up to date about our practices. Your use of the Website following these changes means that you accept the revised Terms.
    6. The User can get any clarifications on issues of interest concerning the Website and offered content via e-mail info@trafficcardinal.com.

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